The balance of work and rest still applies to adults, except that most employers and work places have adopted a model where we work most of the year and only take off government appointed holidays and a few precious extras. This "adult model" is not a sustainable way to stay balanced with work and rest, stay balanced with the seasons, or to stay balanced within ourselves. There should always be numerous breaks in our year where we take a step back from our day-to-day lives to reconnect with family and friends, travel, digest and incorporate what we've been doing over the year.
It is also important to expand ourselves in studies that help fill our hearts (just like summer camp when you were younger!). With this in mind, The Light Clinic will take a few summer breaks this year. The first break is the end of June through the beginning of July (June 24th-July 7th) and the end of August through the beginning of September (August 19th-September 9th). The first break Emaline will be visiting family and Joseph will be on a state-wide National Guard tour with the 202nd Army Band. The second break Emaline and Joseph will travel to Portland to attend a week-long International Chinese Medicine conference, and stay to deepen their studies with their teachers there.
We hope you all will take your own breaks this summer to do what will most enrich and deepen your lives. In terms of Chinese medicine, it is healthy to take time off treatments to integrate the work that has been done. If you feel like you need treatments while we are gone, there are many options. For Chinese medicine, there are practitioners in Lexington, Georgetown and Louisville. There are also wonderful health options in Frankfort, including Craniosacral therapy, Reiki, massage, and chiropractors for energetic and physical assistance. We are happy to discuss and make recommendations on an individual basis. Please feel free voice any questions or concerns by calling, dropping by or emailing [email protected] or [email protected].
Thank you for your understanding as we try to keep ourselves immersed in our studies to become better practitioners and further honor this community.
Wishing you health and happiness!
Joseph and Emaline